Reformer:The Advanced Mover Series

A  six-week LIVE STREAMED series for Pilates professionals
Add your short course description here
  • Day of the week 
  • Class Start Time 
    2pm CET
  • Level
  • Class Duration
    55 min 
  • Post Class Disscusion
    15 min
  • Total Recored Video 
    7 hours

  About the LIVE STREAMED Reformer Mover Series 


Mar 6 - Apr 10
Thursdays at 8am EST / 2pm CET  
We might always start with the Footwork and follow the Classical order as it was taught to me, but there is no telling where that will lead us in this playful and exploratory class on the Reformer.  
Each week a new theme informs  the the direction of the class. This class will reignite your practice and give you lots of ideas to try with your students.   Access to class recordings for 7 weeks.  
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