About me
I have always been a mover. Like many Pilates teachers, I found Pilates as a young dancer and fell in love with the way my Pilates practice made me feel.
The roots of my training stem from the classical Pilates lineage and while I remains committed to imparting this innately intelligent method as it was taught to me, I continues to find inspiration from new perspectives and innovations regarding the attainment of happier, healthier bodies and minds.
Motivated by the belief that good teaching becomes excellent when the teacher cultivates the pupil within; I continue to unpack the lessons of my teachers. My approach to Pilates has undergone a profound evolution and was deeply enriched by my mentor Kathleen Stanford Grant (a protégé of Joseph Pilates) with whom I had the great fortune of studying with for thirteen years while living in New York City.
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What Pilates teachers say about working with me.
I am so grateful to have met Maria. Her warmth, openness and passion were like a breath of fresh air when I was feeling lost as a teacher. She has given me more tools and encouragement to experiement with my clients, as well as myself. I highly recommend doing private sessions or a group series with her.
Alex Phillips - Alps
Thank you so much for your beautiful teachings and your lovely, warm personality making it super fun and engaging. I am really enjoying processing and developing a new experience of the work. I love the depth and passion you have, and that is being inspired in me to want to learn more and dig deeper.
Laura Ceppelli
Joanna Mountifield